2018上半年初中英语教师资格证面试真题及答案:Lin Fei's daily life

中学教师资格证 责任编辑:刘建婷 2018-05-28

摘要:2018年上半年教师资格证面试考试已经结束,小编特整理了2018上半年初中英语教师资格证面试真题及答案:Lin Fei's daily life,供大家参考!预祝各位都能对答如流,顺利通过面试!

2018上半年初中英语教师资格证面试真题及答案:Lin Fei's daily life





Teaching Aims:

Knowledge aim: Students will be able to describe their daily life and acquire some knowledge about listening strategies.

Ability aim: Students can obtain the main idea quickly from the listening material and develop the ability of grasping detail information.

Emotional aim: Students can foster the interest and desire of learning English, and be fond of taking part in kinds of practical activities.

Teaching Key Points:

Students can get the main idea and useful information from the listening material.

Teaching Difficult Points:

Students can apply these skills in their listening and apply these expression in their daily communication.

Teaching Methods:

Communicative teaching method, task-based teaching method, audio-lingual teaching method.

Teaching Aids:

PPT, Blackboard, recorder and so on

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Warming up


2.Sing an English song It' my life, invite the whole students to clap when singing together and lead to the topic.

Step 2: Pre-listening

1.Free talk: Give students three minutes to talk about their own daily life and invite them to share it.

2.Prediction: Let students work in pairs and ask them to predict Lin Fei's daily life.

Step 3: While-listening

1. Listen to the tape for the first time and ask them when Lin Fei gets up and when he goes to school, then let students to share answers.

2.Listen to the tape for the second time and ask them to fill in the chart, then invite them to share their answers.

Step 4: Production

1.Retelling: Ask students to retell Lin Fei's daily life with the help of the chat in their own words, and teacher will give them 3 minutes to prepare it and 3 minutes later, invite some students to share their retelling in the front.

2.Survey: Let students discuss their own daily life in the group of four and make a report in the form of chart. 8 minutes later teacher invites some groups to share the result of their reports.

Step 5: Summary & Homework

Summary : Invite a little teacher to help teacher make a summary of this class.

Homework: Let students introduce their daily life to their parents and make a share in the next class.

Blackboard design:

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