
中学教师资格证 责任编辑:刘建婷 2018-05-29






Teaching Aims

Knowledge aims

Students will know the form and usage of attributive clause lead by who, which and that.

Ability aim

Students can enhance their ability of understanding the knowledge which is more professional and difficult.

Emotional aim

After this lesson, students will improve their confidence of learning English.

Teaching Key &Difficult Points

Key point: attributive clause;

Difficult point: How to understand and use the attributive clause.

Teaching procedures

Step 1: Warming up

Show some adverbial clause on the screen, let students look at this sentences carefully and find the similarities among them. After observation, do a conclusion together :“They all describe the verbs like adverbs.”

I will call you as soon as I arrive in Beijing.

Where you work, you should work hard.

My friends like me because I’m honesty.

Step 2: Presentation

Show these four sentences on the blackboard.

1.Students try to translate these sentences. Invite some students to share their answers. The answers are as follows:





2. Let them observe these two sentence, find the common between them. Tell them the function and meaning of attributive clause.

The rules are shown in the following part:

① The function of attributive clause is to modify the previous word (antecedent).

② When the antecedent is human being, we should use the relative pronoun: who.

③ When the antecedent is something, we should use the relative pronoun: which.

④ No matter the the antecedent is something or someone, the relative pronoun: that can be used.

Step 3: Practice

1.Give them several minutes to make their own sentences using attributive clause.

2.Read the some sentences and try to translate them.

Step 4: Production

Divide them into group of four and in five minutes to discuss the impressive person who has made great influence on you. Try to use the attributive clause.

Step 5: Summary & Homework

1.Ask students to summarize the usage and function of attributive clause.

2.After class, please search more information about attributive clause.

  Blackboard design

考后热点2018上半年教师资格证面试成绩查询时间 | 查询入口

教师资格证笔试和面试都合格后需要做什么? | 怎么申请教师资格证?

希赛2018幼儿 | 小学 | 中学笔试+面试网络网络班火热招生中!网络课堂+课程录播+在线答疑+真题模拟,涵盖90%考试知识点!>>欲购从速!咨询热线:400-111-9811。咨询QQ:1431451852 




Teaching aims:

Knowledge aim: Students can master the usage of formal subject.

Ability aim: Students can use formal subject to communicate in their daily life.

Emotional aim: Students can enhance their interest in learning English.

Key and difficult point: Students can use formal subject to communicate in their daily life.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1: Warming-up

The teacher plays a documentary video about the earthquake in Wenchuan. Then asks students to talk about their feelings after watching. And lead in the topic.

Step 2: Presentation

The teacher lets students to read the passage and get the main idea. Then the teacher picks the last sentence out. The teacher will use the sentence as example to explain the structure and usage of formal subject.

Step 3: Practice

After explaining, the teacher will show some normal sentences. Students should transfer them into formal subject structure.

For example: Taking good care of the orphans is very important.

→It is very important to take good care of the orphans.

Step4: Production

The teacher lets students talk with their deskmates. They should come up with some ways to help the orphans. Then invites some students to show their opinions.

Step5: Summary and Homework

The teacher summarizes what they have learnt today. Then after class, students could say something to these orphans and take a video. The teacher will help them sent it to the orphan.

考后热点2018上半年教师资格证面试成绩查询时间 | 查询入口

教师资格证笔试和面试都合格后需要做什么? | 怎么申请教师资格证?

希赛2018幼儿 | 小学 | 中学笔试+面试网络网络班火热招生中!网络课堂+课程录播+在线答疑+真题模拟,涵盖90%考试知识点!>>欲购从速!咨询热线:400-111-9811。咨询QQ:1431451852 




Teaching aims:

Knowledge aim: students will know more about the history of New Zealand.

Ability aim: students can catch some detailed information about the passage.

Emotional aim: students will appreciate different culture and history.

Key and difficult point:

Students will get the history about New Zealand.

Students can express their ideas about the topic.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1: Warming-up

Greet the students.

Watch a clip about “Dad, where are we going” and try to describe the video.

Step 2: Pre-reading

Show some pictures to introduce New Zealand’s background information.

Step 3: While-reading

1st reading: leave the question to you--try to find the key time-points?

2nd reading: now try to find the issues according to responding time-points?

3rd reading: leave the question to them-what is the capital before and now?

Step4: Post-reading

Activity 1: invite two students to retell the passage according the timeline on the blackboard.

Activity 2: divide them into groups of 3 to talk about which country do they like best?

Step5: Summary and homework

Invite a student to make a summary then leave them the homework-search online for the development of coffee culture in China.

考后热点2018上半年教师资格证面试成绩查询时间 | 查询入口

教师资格证笔试和面试都合格后需要做什么? | 怎么申请教师资格证?

希赛2018幼儿 | 小学 | 中学笔试+面试网络网络班火热招生中!网络课堂+课程录播+在线答疑+真题模拟,涵盖90%考试知识点!>>欲购从速!咨询热线:400-111-9811。咨询QQ:1431451852 









